RAI Regional Steering Committee (RSC) is opening Call for Expression of Interest for the RAI2E Regional Component package #1: Expanding access to malaria prevention and case management services to underserved populations. Under this Call, the RAI RSC is inviting proposals from Government and non-government organizations to implement malaria interventions to reach the most at risk hard to reach persons in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Further information and guidance for applicants is available in the attached document and at this Dropbox link.
Applicants are invited to submit their proposals electronically to: [email protected] before 23 August 2017 (0.00hrs, ICT).
The Call has also been announced on the RAI public website: http://www.raifund.org/en/rsc/calls-for-proposals
We invite you to disseminate this information broadly among your networks.
Call For Expression of Interest for the RAI2E Regional Component Package #1: Expanding Access to MALARIA Prevention Case Management Services to Underserved Populations